Finding Relief: Spinal Cord Stimulation for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

spinal cord stimulation diabetic patient

5 Min Read Adam* has been suffering from debilitating pain, numbness, and chronic burning in his legs and feet for years. These are signs of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a progressive disorder that significantly impacts the quality of life for roughly 50% of patients with diabetes. Adam confirmed this diagnosis with a doctor months ago and was offered several […]

Healing Insights: Navigating the Journey of Wound Care

wound care senior couple sitting by tree

5 Min Read Nick* is not the sort of person who likes to let others know about his injuries and illnesses. If he had it his way, he would suffer in silence and hope that with medications and a few Band-Aids, relief would not be too far away. When he experienced his first foot sore six months ago […]

Can Knee Osteoarthritis Be Prevented?

knee osteoarthritis knee pain

5 Min Read Preventing knee osteoarthritis may not be possible. But, you may decrease your risk, delay development, and manage symptoms with these tips.

When Should I Worry About My Leg Rash?

Angiography in Dallas, TX

4 Min Read A leg rash or lower leg redness, such as many tiny red bumps patches, not improving or with other symptoms, may be a vein or vascular issue.